Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Snippets of Monday Evening and Tuesday Afternoon

I've been taking pictures on my cell phone lately...

I've lived here for 2 years and yesterday was the first time I purchased flour and sugar. I guess that shouldn't seem so surprising considering I don't have an oven.... This is my homemade chocolate banana-nut bread. I made it in my rice cooker and it was tasterific!

The tulips are out!
Toyohira-Koen (park).
I ride my bike through this park every morning and afternoon.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Dearest Mom,

I did not send a gift to you.
I penned some doting rhymes in lieu:
Sorry I'm a selfish daughter,
but Mother's Day is Hallmark's fodder
for those sad souls who can't express
through love and simple tenderness
the gratefulness they should bestow
upon The One who helped them grow.
So unto you I do bequeath
longevity and healthy teeth;
in hopes that one day you and I
might share a laugh and gently sigh;
knowing that our lives were great,
Happy Mother's Day from Kate.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Day In Sapporo

These kids and university students were making a mosaic on the Shiroishi Cycling Road. They were smashing tiles and sticking them to the wall. I'm gonna have to ride past periodically to see their progress.

This might be the last worthy weekend of sakura. 'Twas lovely while it lasted.

More mid-May mosaic madness.